Live to eat or eat to live?
Have you ever pondered that question? I have! And I know without a doubt that my answer is the former… I live to eat. Eating is one of the greatest passions of my life.
colourful food platter with fruit and dips
Paradoxically by being passionate about food, loving and savouring every mouthful, enjoying the bright colours, the complex textures, the depth of flavour and the bliss of cooking aromas wafting through your home, you can gain control over your eating.
If that sounds counterintuitive, consider the possibility that mindless eating could have made you gain weight. Do you look down at your plate and wonder where the food has gone, because you were not aware of putting it in your mouth? Do you take that piece of cake at the party, just because it is on the table? Do you forget mealtimes only to find yourself ravenously hungry, at which point you raid the fridge and the pantry, and any food will do? Have you handed the food-reigns over to someone else?
Learning to love your food can be achieved in a few simple steps:
Buy the finest ingredients you can afford - just as you would do if you wanted to spoil yourself
Focus on variety and colour of vegetables and some fruit
Eat from nose to tail (not only steak)
Eat fatty fish like salmon and sardines
Use healthy fats and oils (more on that to come)
Plan your meals and keep them simple
Schedule time for food preparation
Cook and prepare with joy and good kitchen equipment
Turn your meals into rituals of mindful eating
You may want to start a food diary. Notice when you eat, what you eat and how much you eat. This practice will assist you to change your habits where needed.