The Fats We Eat
There is almost no topic that has caused more controversy over the last 50 odd years than the topic of dietary fat. There are the low-fat proponents, the high-fat proponents and those in between.
Inflammatory Food
Some of the biggest health problems the developed world faces today are obesity, coronary heart disease and auto-immune diseases. We may be living longer lives, but we appear to be getting sicker. There are many reasons for this, one of the obvious ones is the food we consume. Never before in human history have we eaten so much nutrient-poor, calorie-dense, highly inflammatory food as we ingest today. Two of the biggest culprits are industrial seed oils the so-called “vegetable oils” and refined carbohydrates in the form of various types of flour, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juices, soda drinks, etc. These two offenders are often packaged together in the plethora of processed and convenience foods available to the average consumer.